Minor Deity

| Off site, unconnected..backup backup backup. Just sayin'.  -------------------------------- "Wealth is like manure; spread it around and it makes everything grow; pile it up, and it stinks." MillCityGrows.org
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Foregoing Practicing to Post Minor Deity

| I have an external Hard Drive connected by USB, constantly doing backups (though not through the system described.) Should I disconnect it so that backups are only occasional at my discretion? This is a response to general hacking, not just this situation. -------------------------------- “It's hard to win an argument with a smart person. It's damn near impossible to win an argument with a stupid person." -- Bill Murray
| Posts: 13890 | Location: The outer burrows | Registered: 27 April 2005 |  
(self-titled) semi-posting lurker Minor Deity

| quote: Originally posted by Steve Miller: Next up - Bitcoin!
Indeed!! I have my data in cloud and physical storage/back-up so I should be ok. But you can’t be too careful!! |
| Posts: 18860 | Location: not in Japan any more | Registered: 20 April 2005 |  
Minor Deity

| quote: Originally posted by Steve Miller: Next up - Bitcoin!
Different architecture. Bitcoin block chains are distributed across a multitude of systems across the Internet; the last estimate I saw says 83,000 nodes. Someone has to delete all 83,000 copies scattered across the Internet or take more subtle control over a little over half of them to alter Bitcoin’s distributed ledger. |
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Has Achieved Nirvana

| quote: Originally posted by Steve Miller: Which is not to say that a couple of them couldn't be hacked (it's happened before) such that a lot of people lose a whole lot of money.
Indeed. There was a recent Bitcoin scam that I think involved $3 billion, with a B. I do some blockchain work so this is of more than casual interest to me. |
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Has Achieved Nirvana

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