April WTF-er of the Month: susan dorris
23 April 2011, 07:13 AM
CHASApril WTF-er of the Month: susan dorris
We expect pictures of your garden. There is no way to avoid this.
Of course you can wait until you have the pool/fountain in and some plants are blooming.
23 April 2011, 09:14 AM
piquésusan you need to put a wtf piano party on your bucket list.
methinks i need to announce one in montana next summer and see who shows up!
23 April 2011, 11:40 AM
susan dorrisPiqué,
I accept with enthusiasm your invitation to a WTF party at your house. What a treat! I can hardly wait.
23 April 2011, 04:02 PM
not this summer, but next summer, 2012. we have to get the bathroom redone first.

mr. pique is embarrassed to have guests until then.
of course, i'm not; i have no shame.

25 April 2011, 08:56 AM
apple*I'm making my boys pee outside to deter the deer.
ha ha
25 April 2011, 09:27 AM
susan dorrisI guess it's a good thing I don't have a problem with deer here.
I do have opossums and raccoons, and last night I saw my first armadillo here. They are extending their territory northward.
It's the %&$#@@* squirrels.
25 April 2011, 11:57 AM
Originally posted by susan dorris:
I guess it's a good thing I don't have a problem with deer here.
I do have opossums and raccoons, and last night I saw my first armadillo here. They are extending their territory northward.
It's the %&$#@@* squirrels.
Armadilloes? In St. Louis? Remember, there is a mandolin like instrument you can make from the shell. The one I heard in Moab was loud with nylon strings.
Charango Have heard they are as good as possum when properly cooked.
25 April 2011, 12:15 PM
susan dorrisI don't seem to have a recipe for Charango....
29 April 2011, 11:33 AM
susan dorrisNOW you tell me....
29 April 2011, 08:50 PM
Nan WSusan, this has been such an interesting thread. What a full life you have had so far! I don't have any questions -- I'm not a gardener except for my few roses, which don't get nearly the attention from me that they need. But I've enjoyed reading about your gardening efforts.
29 April 2011, 11:21 PM
susan dorrisGardening is just plain addictive. We had a rainless day here for a change, so I'll be pulling weeds and spreading mulch before I finish my first cup of coffee tomorrow morning. I took some time this evening to visit the home of a friend who is in charge of potting all the homegrown perennials for the Garden Club plant sale, which is next Saturday. I told myself that I was only going to plant trees and shrubs this year, but I will defy reason once again. There is a lovely Hosta "June" that I simply have to provide a home for. And ferns! I do love ferns.
In winter I paint portraits in oils, and botanicals in watercolor. The face of a person or the blossom of a flower are each different from all others. Fascinating.
And I do love horses. I have a Shire/Thoroughbred gelding who will soon be five years old. I have been training him "in hand", that is, from the ground, since last August, and am now starting to ride him.
I sing in a church choir, but my musical passion is opera, though my voice has sadly never been good enough for performance.
There is something in me that craves perfection. Music and painting attempt to satisfy that craving, but gardening frees me from it.
30 April 2011, 01:42 PM
LLI would love to see some of you paintings. Would you be willing to share?
Even if there is only today left for the month thingie, we'd enjoy them on a separate post!
June is one of my fav hostas. Crisp clean and refreshing!
30 April 2011, 02:25 PM
susan dorrisI'm saving one of them to use if I am ever DOM.
I will post some if I can figure out how to do it. I can get them from my camera to the "My Pictures" folder on my computer, and then to an email, but to put them in a post have not the slightest idea.
And may I ask how one chooses the new WTF-er? Can it be someone who has done it before, but several years ago? I have several ideas....
30 April 2011, 09:38 PM
LLGenerally someone who has never been gets suggested. There is a list of past members, I think over on the PINBLOCK section.
I regretfully ask NOT to be chosen.
As for pics. One needs a place to host the pic on the internet. I use photobucket (free). Once a picture has been uploaded there, there is an option underneath the picture, an image URL which gets cut and pasted into the message here.