COVID patient gets double lung transplate (NYTs)

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31 July 2020, 06:12 PM
COVID patient gets double lung transplate (NYTs)
Most kidney transplant are live donors.

Some liver transplants are live donors - they do partial liver transplant.

I think deaths on the lung waiting list are on the order of 10-11 per 100 wait list years. Other people get removed from the list because they're too sick to move forward with transplant. In a world with many more organs many of those would have been transplanted and not gotten sick.

So there is a zero sum element to it.

If you think looting is bad wait until I tell you about civil forfeiture.

31 July 2020, 07:06 PM
So there is a zero sum element to it.

Exactly my point. The COVID epidemic will kill some non-COVID patients who were waiting for lungs simply because the "miracle cure" for some COVID patients winds up using the lungs that could have saved a non-COVID patient.